Becky joins the podcast today to share her wisdom surrounding an important but often overlooked issue- increased mental health difficulties in the farming and ranching communities. It’s so easy to forget how impactful the farming community is in all of our lives. Learn the importance. Start hard conversations and encourage your local farmer today. It might make a world of difference!
Kelly and The Encouragers podcast can be found on most podcast apps, Soundcloud, iTunes, or at
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***Please note that this podcast is not intended to be therapy or to replace therapy. However, we hope that you will find this podcast to be beneficial!***
#bodyimage #positivemindset #supportivefriends #findyourtribe #ownyourtruth #beyou #changetheworld #bethechange #onedayatatime #hardtruths #hardmoments #truth #findstrength #encouragement #dailyencouragement #weeklyencouragement #encourager #beanencourager #kellyandtheencouragers #kellyandtheencouragerspodcast